On 30 August 1994, during the teacher`s conference, the idea of giving the school the name of the Home Army was voted. The representants of parents and pupils accepted the resolution. Teresa and Zdzislaw Knobel, Polish emigrants from Canada, brought a foundation into being, that works on giving the youth information about the history and basic principles of the Home Army. The foundation presented the school with a banner.

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Since 1995 the school curriculum has emphasized the activity of the Home Army in Pomorze (Pomerania) during the Second World War. The Polish underground army existed and fought there for the souvereign Poland in extremely difficult circumstances, suffering from cruel German persecutions. The pupils learnt its history, collected exhibits and historical documents, made albums devoted to its activity. The Pomerania Archive foundation organized an exhibition in the school. Pupils started to take care of the monument memorizing the Home Army and places connected with its fights. A commemorative plate was founded and placed in the school by the President of Torun.

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